( ! ) Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\erming\erming\thinkphp\library\think\db\Query.php on line 372
Call Stack
10.0001358544{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0002358832require( 'C:\wamp64\www\erming\erming\thinkphp\start.php )...\index.php:17
30.0027387040think\App::run( $request = ??? )...\start.php:19
40.0053425992think\App::exec( $dispatch = ['type' => 'module', 'module' => [0 => '', 1 => NULL, 2 => NULL]], $config = ['app_host' => '', 'app_debug' => TRUE, 'app_trace' => FALSE, 'app_status' => '', 'app_multi_module' => TRUE, 'auto_bind_module' => FALSE, 'root_namespace' => [], 'extra_file_list' => [0 => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\helper.php'], 'default_return_type' => 'html', 'default_ajax_return' => 'json', 'default_jsonp_handler' => 'jsonpReturn', 'var_jsonp_handler' => 'callback', 'default_timezone' => 'PRC', 'lang_switch_on' => FALSE, 'default_filter' => '', 'default_lang' => 'zh-cn', 'class_suffix' => FALSE, 'controller_suffix' => FALSE, 'default_module' => 'index', 'deny_module_list' => [0 => 'common'], 'default_controller' => 'Index', 'default_action' => 'index', 'default_validate' => '', 'empty_controller' => 'Error', 'use_action_prefix' => FALSE, 'action_suffix' => '', 'controller_auto_search' => FALSE, 'var_pathinfo' => 's', 'pathinfo_fetch' => [0 => 'ORIG_PATH_INFO', 1 => 'REDIRECT_PATH_INFO', 2 => 'REDIRECT_URL'], 'pathinfo_depr' => '/', 'https_agent_name' => '', 'url_html_suffix' => 'html', 'url_common_param' => FALSE, 'url_param_type' => 0, 'url_route_on' => TRUE, 'route_config_file' => [0 => 'route'], 'route_complete_match' => FALSE, 'url_route_must' => FALSE, 'url_domain_deploy' => FALSE, 'url_domain_root' => '', 'url_convert' => TRUE, 'url_controller_layer' => 'controller', 'var_method' => '_method', 'var_ajax' => '_ajax', 'var_pjax' => '_pjax', 'request_cache' => FALSE, 'request_cache_expire' => NULL, 'request_cache_except' => [], 'template' => ['type' => 'Think', 'view_path' => '', 'view_suffix' => 'html', 'view_depr' => '\\', 'tpl_begin' => '{', 'tpl_end' => '}', 'taglib_begin' => '{', 'taglib_end' => '}'], 'view_replace_str' => ['__PUBLIC__' => 'http://e-hospital-bank.com/erming/public/static', '__ROOT__' => '/'], 'dispatch_success_tmpl' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\tpl\\dispatch_jump.tpl', 'dispatch_error_tmpl' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\tpl\\dispatch_jump.tpl', 'exception_tmpl' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\tpl\\think_exception.tpl', 'error_message' => '页面错误!请稍后再试~', 'show_error_msg' => TRUE, 'exception_handle' => '\\think\\exception\\Handle', 'record_trace' => FALSE, 'log' => ['type' => 'File', 'path' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\runtime\\log\\', 'level' => [...]], 'trace' => ['type' => 'Html'], 'cache' => ['type' => 'File', 'path' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\runtime\\cache\\', 'prefix' => '', 'expire' => 0], 'session' => ['id' => '', 'var_session_id' => '', 'prefix' => 'think', 'type' => '', 'auto_start' => TRUE], 'cookie' => ['prefix' => '', 'expire' => 0, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => '', 'secure' => FALSE, 'httponly' => '', 'setcookie' => TRUE], 'database' => ['type' => 'mysql', 'dsn' => '', 'hostname' => '', 'database' => 'erming', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '@JsMGd&5lQP&G5tc', 'hostport' => '', 'params' => [...], 'charset' => 'utf8', 'prefix' => '', 'debug' => TRUE, 'deploy' => 0, 'rw_separate' => FALSE, 'master_num' => 1, 'slave_no' => '', 'fields_strict' => TRUE, 'resultset_type' => 'array', 'auto_timestamp' => FALSE, 'datetime_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'sql_explain' => FALSE], 'paginate' => ['type' => 'bootstrap', 'var_page' => 'page', 'list_rows' => 15], 'queue' => ['connector' => 'Sync']] )...\App.php:139
50.0053425992think\App::module( $result = [0 => '', 1 => NULL, 2 => NULL], $config = ['app_host' => '', 'app_debug' => TRUE, 'app_trace' => FALSE, 'app_status' => '', 'app_multi_module' => TRUE, 'auto_bind_module' => FALSE, 'root_namespace' => [], 'extra_file_list' => [0 => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\helper.php'], 'default_return_type' => 'html', 'default_ajax_return' => 'json', 'default_jsonp_handler' => 'jsonpReturn', 'var_jsonp_handler' => 'callback', 'default_timezone' => 'PRC', 'lang_switch_on' => FALSE, 'default_filter' => '', 'default_lang' => 'zh-cn', 'class_suffix' => FALSE, 'controller_suffix' => FALSE, 'default_module' => 'index', 'deny_module_list' => [0 => 'common'], 'default_controller' => 'Index', 'default_action' => 'index', 'default_validate' => '', 'empty_controller' => 'Error', 'use_action_prefix' => FALSE, 'action_suffix' => '', 'controller_auto_search' => FALSE, 'var_pathinfo' => 's', 'pathinfo_fetch' => [0 => 'ORIG_PATH_INFO', 1 => 'REDIRECT_PATH_INFO', 2 => 'REDIRECT_URL'], 'pathinfo_depr' => '/', 'https_agent_name' => '', 'url_html_suffix' => 'html', 'url_common_param' => FALSE, 'url_param_type' => 0, 'url_route_on' => TRUE, 'route_config_file' => [0 => 'route'], 'route_complete_match' => FALSE, 'url_route_must' => FALSE, 'url_domain_deploy' => FALSE, 'url_domain_root' => '', 'url_convert' => TRUE, 'url_controller_layer' => 'controller', 'var_method' => '_method', 'var_ajax' => '_ajax', 'var_pjax' => '_pjax', 'request_cache' => FALSE, 'request_cache_expire' => NULL, 'request_cache_except' => [], 'template' => ['type' => 'Think', 'view_path' => '', 'view_suffix' => 'html', 'view_depr' => '\\', 'tpl_begin' => '{', 'tpl_end' => '}', 'taglib_begin' => '{', 'taglib_end' => '}'], 'view_replace_str' => ['__PUBLIC__' => 'http://e-hospital-bank.com/erming/public/static', '__ROOT__' => '/'], 'dispatch_success_tmpl' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\tpl\\dispatch_jump.tpl', 'dispatch_error_tmpl' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\tpl\\dispatch_jump.tpl', 'exception_tmpl' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\tpl\\think_exception.tpl', 'error_message' => '页面错误!请稍后再试~', 'show_error_msg' => TRUE, 'exception_handle' => '\\think\\exception\\Handle', 'record_trace' => FALSE, 'log' => ['type' => 'File', 'path' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\runtime\\log\\', 'level' => [...]], 'trace' => ['type' => 'Html'], 'cache' => ['type' => 'File', 'path' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\runtime\\cache\\', 'prefix' => '', 'expire' => 0], 'session' => ['id' => '', 'var_session_id' => '', 'prefix' => 'think', 'type' => '', 'auto_start' => TRUE], 'cookie' => ['prefix' => '', 'expire' => 0, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => '', 'secure' => FALSE, 'httponly' => '', 'setcookie' => TRUE], 'database' => ['type' => 'mysql', 'dsn' => '', 'hostname' => '', 'database' => 'erming', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '@JsMGd&5lQP&G5tc', 'hostport' => '', 'params' => [...], 'charset' => 'utf8', 'prefix' => '', 'debug' => TRUE, 'deploy' => 0, 'rw_separate' => FALSE, 'master_num' => 1, 'slave_no' => '', 'fields_strict' => TRUE, 'resultset_type' => 'array', 'auto_timestamp' => FALSE, 'datetime_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'sql_explain' => FALSE], 'paginate' => ['type' => 'bootstrap', 'var_page' => 'page', 'list_rows' => 15], 'queue' => ['connector' => 'Sync']], $convert = NULL )...\App.php:456
60.0138441424think\App::invokeMethod( $method = [0 => class app\index\controller\Index { protected $view = class think\View { ... }; protected $request = class think\Request { ... }; protected $failException = FALSE; protected $batchValidate = FALSE; protected $beforeActionList = [...] }, 1 => 'index'], $vars = [] )...\App.php:595
70.0139441696invokeArgs( $object = class app\index\controller\Index { protected $view = class think\View { public $engine = class think\view\driver\Think { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $replace = [...] }; protected $request = class think\Request { protected $method = 'GET'; protected $domain = NULL; protected $url = '/erming/'; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $baseFile = '/erming/index.php'; protected $root = '/erming'; protected $pathinfo = '/'; protected $path = '/'; protected $routeInfo = [...]; protected $env = NULL; protected $dispatch = [...]; protected $module = 'index'; protected $controller = 'Index'; protected $action = 'index'; protected $langset = 'zh-cn'; protected $param = [...]; protected $get = [...]; protected $post = [...]; protected $request = [...]; protected $route = [...]; protected $put = NULL; protected $session = [...]; protected $file = [...]; protected $cookie = [...]; protected $server = [...]; protected $header = [...]; protected $mimeType = [...]; protected $content = NULL; protected $filter = ''; protected $bind = [...]; protected $input = ''; protected $cache = NULL; protected $isCheckCache = NULL }; protected $failException = FALSE; protected $batchValidate = FALSE; protected $beforeActionList = [] }, $args = [] )...\App.php:343
80.0139441768app\index\controller\Index->index( )...\App.php:343
90.0145441848think\Db::name( 'em_banner' )...\Index.php:24
100.0145442224think\Db::__callStatic( $method = 'name', $params = [0 => 'em_banner'] )...\Index.php:24
110.0175523160call_user_func_array:{C:\wamp64\www\erming\erming\thinkphp\library\think\Db.php:178}( $function_name = [0 => class think\db\connector\Mysql { protected $builder = '\\think\\db\\builder\\Mysql'; protected $PDOStatement = NULL; protected $queryStr = ''; protected $numRows = 0; protected $transTimes = 0; protected $error = ''; protected $links = [...]; protected $linkID = NULL; protected $linkRead = NULL; protected $linkWrite = NULL; protected $fetchType = 2; protected $attrCase = 2; protected $config = [...]; protected $params = [...]; protected $bind = [...] }, 1 => 'name'], $parameters = [0 => 'em_banner'] )...\Db.php:178
120.0175523256think\db\Connection->name( 'em_banner' )...\Db.php:178
130.0175523632think\db\Connection->__call( $method = 'name', $args = [0 => 'em_banner'] )...\Db.php:178
140.0175523632think\db\Connection->getQuery( )...\Connection.php:171
150.0175523712spl_autoload_call( $class_name = 'think\\db\\Query' )...\Connection.php:145
160.0175523792think\Loader::autoload( $class = 'think\\db\\Query' )...\Connection.php:145
170.0177523872think\__include_file( $file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\erming\\erming\\thinkphp\\library\\think\\db\\Query.php' )...\Loader.php:85






